Westerville North Marching Band, Westerville North, Westerville North Bands, Westerville Ohio, 43081, 43082, Sara Loney




Westerville North Music Boosters

Westerville North Marching Band

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Here is the 2025 marching band schedule. This schedule is tentative and subject to change. Other dates may be added.

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Here is the marching band handbook that includes rules and policies for all marching band students.

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Are you interested in learning more about marching band? Fill out this form and we will keep you in the know!

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Here is the 2025 fee schedule for marching band

Please email the treasurer, treas@wnmb.org if you need financial assistance. We want marching band to be accessible to everyone.

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Watch this video to see our 2024 marching band competition show.

Register for the 2024 Season!

Click Here